With 2015 well underway we’ve put together some of the big areas of change we think are likely this year. Whether you want to take the lead or keep the lead over the competition the following tips are sure to do either for your business. Don’t forget the H&P team are here busy as usual should you need any help.

Videos, video’s everywhere!

In recent years, we have seen a lot of websites incorporate video into their marketing strategy steadily increase. Rather than sit and read through a wall of text, we have found that visuals are definitely a game-changer.

With 2015, this will continue to grow and will help companies to inform their clients and enhance their user experience.

Visual story-telling

Your brand is an important piece of information to your patients. In an increasingly difficult world where everyone is doing what they can to stand out and improve their brand loyalty, you need to think about how your clients are relating to you.

Through the use of videos and images, you need to communicate who your and support this through secondary messages that your clients can especially relate to. After all we make decisions based on emotion and experience.


There will be leading growth in 1-1 marketing. There needs to be content that your clients feel is for them and not everyone else too – blanketed with the same message. Don’t make your clients feel like cattle. Whether its personalising the email campaigns or targeting them based on their buying experience.

Mobiles are on the up-rise

In 2014 – there was a boost in the amount of businesses converting their websites to be mobile phone friendly. Come 2015, this feature will now be a must. FYI its called Responsive!

It is predicted that in the coming year, mobile devices and tablets will be wider used than desktop computers and laptops. Last year saw average numbers of 45% of your clients using mobile devices.

Web analytics

Clinics are coming to grips more and more with the relevance of web analytics. The idea is to manage the traffic coming to your website, how long they are staying on your treatment pages etc…

This process will help vastly when it comes to fining out your clinics strong points and areas that need work. It is a fantastic tool which will determine how passionate you are, and how much time you want to indulge growing and expanding your business.

Content Marketing

One way that clinics are establishing themselves is by creating consistent material that reflects what they are trying to achieve. By strategically placing key words throughout their website and blogs, they are getting better results for patients who tend do a lot of searched for those particular key words.

For new clients, it makes it easier to find them and keep up with on-going services/treatments etc – what’s new? And any offers they have for that month.

Online advertising

Online ads like pay-per-click are going to be one of those on the increase, as there is value in what they achieve. More and more businesses are beginning to realise this and will be setting aside budgets specifically for this.

Speak to many Marketeers and you’ll get a list longer than your arm with marketing ideas and half of them probably ‘faddy’ and a waste of money but at least with a strong initial list you can be armed and ready to start 2015.

Don’t forget the H&P team are always on hand to discuss your clients’ needs and help your business. We look forward to speaking to you this year and staying ahead of the competition.

Call 01159 140640 or visit www.handpdesign.co.uk for more information