Our Work
Skin Doctor Clinics
Skin Doctor Clinics has been a client of Cosmetic Digital for many years and came back to us to update and refresh their most recent website to coincide with their latest investment in new machines and the recent addition of their latest clinic.
They wanted to keep the majority of their content and site structure as this has worked well for them with an up-to-date well-spaced fresher design that covers their four clinics they successfully operate around the UK.
The client is delighted with the fantastic end result. The website is in keeping with their existing brand identity that they’ve kept successfully for many years yet the layout is bolder with more space and that newer contemporary look that websites commonly adopt currently.

Skin Doctor Clinics has been a client of Cosmetic Digital for many years and came back to us to update and refresh their most recent website to coincide with their latest investment in new machines and the recent addition of their latest clinic.

They wanted to keep the majority of their content and site structure as this has worked well for them with an up-to-date well-spaced fresher design that covers their four clinics they successfully operate around the UK.

The client is delighted with the fantastic end result. The website is in keeping with their existing brand identity that they’ve kept successfully for many years yet the layout is bolder with more space and that newer contemporary look that websites commonly adopt currently.